Sunday, January 1, 2012

A wonderful Christmas homily was delivered in our church some years ago mostly by a boy of five or six. Each year our parish has a family Mass at 5 p.m. on Christmas Eve. In the sanctuary there are the crib, and also small pads for the very young to sit on during the homily. Our pastor started by asking, ‘Where is Jesus?’ The boy rose from his pad and pointed to the crib. ‘Yes, in the crib in Bethlehem’ said the pastor. ‘And where else?’ The boy pointed upwards. ‘Yes, in heaven,’ said the pastor. ‘And where else?’ At this, the boy stretched to his full height, and with a grand, sweeping gesture placed his hand on his heart. ‘Here,’ he proclaimed.
Each year we recall that Christ was in the crib; that he is in heaven all the time; that he will come into our hearts anew, if we invite him.

--Fr. Timothy Horner, O.S.B.

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